Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dear Administrator - part 4576849

Dear Administrator,

I hate you with a passion you can only dream of.  The ferocious energy of a supernova cools in comparison to my hatred of you. The reasons I hate you could fill the entire Library of Congress.  There is not enough matter in the universe to make the ink to fully describe my loathing for your existence.   So I will content myself with describing merely one of your faults, best expressed by the classic line from "A Few Good Men":


You cannot bear to hear the truth spoken to your face.  You may claim otherwise, but we all know it's a lie.  Every time an employee speaks the truth to you, he is immediately blackballed.  The truth that you are doing a shitty job, that your leadership skills resemble those of creamed corn, that your school is poorly run, that the students are running wild because you have no discipline policy, et cetera ad infinitum.  (No, I'm not telling you what that means, go look it up you moron.)  Said honest employee is hassled with the worst students in the school, being forced to move classrooms, assigned yard duty before school and during lunch, becoming subject to countless "drop-in" observations, and whatever torture you devise as revenge.  But that's not the worst offense.

God forbid a teacher tell any parents the truth!  That you are watering down the school's curriculum, that you plan to cut programs in order to maintain your (and your cronies) exorbitant salaries, that you hire weak teachers intentionally so you can bully them, that you are systematically dismantling the school's great programs and replacing them with ones you've heard about at ed school.  We can't have ethical teachers!  NO SIR!!!  We can't have that.  No, no, no, no, no. 

You are an Educational Dalek, (No moron, I'm not telling what this is either.) you must EXTERMINATE!  Anyone and everyone who is honest and ethical and courageous enough to say out loud the emperor has no clothes.

This is why I hate you.  You are the antithesis of everything we want to teacher our students.

Now piss off.  I have students to teach.