I read a music
teacher forum post today. A poor woman was seeking advice on how to
handle to special ed kids with IEP's who breakdown when hearing music
or handle music making objects. Her admins told her that she may not
be able to use music at all in the classes with these students. She
wanted advice on how to help these two kids in a group of average
students, whether she can be forced to change her entire curriculum
to accommodate two students.
Whoa!!! Hold on!! Stop the tape! Did you catch that?
A music
teacher is being told to refrain from using music
in a MUSIC class!!!!
is that supposed to work? How on God's green earth can you teach a
subject without ever using it?! Can you teach math without using
numbers and numeric words? Can you teach reading without using
music, it ain't a a music class anymore. It's a history and/or a
science class, and a really crappy one at that.