In this lousy
economy, the sword of Damocles hangs above every music teacher's
head. And since I do have this irrepressible urge to pay my bills on
time, I have been working on adding an endorsement to my license.
One piece of the process involves taking an online class.
You Can't Teach What You Don't Know
Oh sure, all my
classmates sing the praises of teaching critical thinking all day
long, quoting Bloom's chapter and verse. That's all well and good,
but I can guarantee that their students won't get anywhere near
learning how to think. Why? Because these teacher-classmates cannot
think themselves! They accept all knowledge at face-value, and spout
back whatever the readings and professor have said. I am the only
person in the class who has the temerity to question readings,
reference outside sources, identify poor and outdated theories, and
point out bad arguments. Questioning, integrating other research,
applying logic, these are the hallmarks of critical thinking. After
six weeks of parroting, it's obvious my classmates have no clue. How
do they think they can teach something they themselves cannot do?
Oh, yeah, that's right: They don't think.
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