Friday, January 3, 2014

I Wonder as I Wander

Because I refuse to become a Twit:

Why is it that the most dis-satisfied, and vocal about it, teachers are those specializing in math and science?

Why are dumbest teachers the hardest to deal with?

Follow up: Why do the dumbest teachers always end up as administrators?

Why do they always schedule an emergency drill during my once-a-week class?

Grammar is beautiful.  Why doesn't anyone teach it?

Why has no one in education ever heard the expression, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions?"

Why is teaching the only profession where competence is a liability?

Why is it that all education experts and pundits always insist on highlighting the wrong issues?

Not every person is intellectually suited to go to university.  Why can't we have realistic expectations for students? 

It's nice to dream and have lofty goals.  But where is the plan for reality, when those dreams and goals are unattainable?

Why do educators lie so much, both to themselves and others?

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